Monday, January 24, 2005

Poems by Amy King

Amy King
Poetry X is pleased to present some poems from contemporary poet Amy King's first full-length book, Antidotes for an Alibi, which was recently published by BlazeVox.

In addition to a sampling of Amy King's poems, the poet herself has been gracious enough to offer some Poetry Xtras commentary on her poems that we're certain you, our readers, will find fascinating. Just click on the little red x graphic next to each poem title for Amy King's comments.

Read poems by Amy King

Over 800 New Poems Added

This week we have a huge addition not only to the number of poems (over 800) but also a large number of new poets (over 200) which means that we'll be spending the next week adding biographical details, photos, etc., for each of them.

So if you see a poet's dates as "???-???" it means that we haven't gotten to that biography yet.

Also, we made some changes to the Browse Poets list, showing 50 instead of 25 poets at a time and adding other "breadcrumbs" to help our readers (like you!) find their way around.

Monday, January 10, 2005

E. E. Cummings Poems

E. E. Cummings

Avant-garde iconoclast E. E. Cummings enters the poetry archive this week with a large selection of poems from his first two books, as well as numerous other early poems.

Please note that most of Cummings's poetry is still under copyright in the U. S., but we will continue to beg petition the rights holders to allow us to reprint some of Cummings's more seminal work.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Now We Are Legion - 10,000th Poem Posted

With this Sunday's weekly update Poetry X has posted over 10,000 poems in our poetry archive.

Many more poems are on the way for 2005 as well. See the poetry archive and read some poems. You have over 10,000 choices.

It was a difficult goal and we (meaning I) worked very hard to bring the site to 10,000 poems by the end of 2004 (the only reason this is being posted on 3 January 2005 is because the site auto-updates in the wee small hours every Sunday night/early Monday morning) - but all of the work was finished before the ball dropped on New Year's Eve.

Speaking of...

Happy New Year, everyone.


-- Jough Dempsey, Publisher