Monday, February 21, 2005


Poetry X Guide to Poems about Abraham Lincoln
In honour of President's Day (U.S. holiday) we've added a Guided Poetry Tour for poems by and about Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States.

Banks are closed and there's no mail, so what better way is there to spend the day other than reading poems about o captain, our captain?

Link: Poems about Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 14, 2005

Love Poems

Poetry X Guide to Love Poems

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

To celebrate the holiday we've added a new Guided Poetry Tour about Love Poetry.

This tour contains poems about love, poems
to a loved one, poems about a loved one, romantic fancies, sexual overtures, valentines, and poems of parting, or of being separated from one's lover.

If you're feeling down-and-out about love, we've got you covered with a selection of poems about heartbreak, heartache, and general misery due to love.

So whether you're looking for a poem with which to woo
someone, need a poem to send to your valentine, or are
feeling blue and need some cheer (misery loves company,
after all), then dive in with these suggested love poems.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Poems to Memorize or Recite

How to Memorize a Poem

After receiving a tonne of e-mail asking for tips on poems to memorize, or poems to recite for recitations and forensics meets, we've added three new articles to address the subject of memorizing and reciting poetry:

Be sure to leave a Talkback message and let us know what poems you like to memorize or recite to others!