Poetry X RSS and Atom Syndication Feeds
By popular demand we've added some XML syndication feeds this week. So far we've added a feed for our news items (like this very item) but in the coming week we'll add one for new poets, articles, etc.
You can get each feed (just the one so far, of course) in three different "flavours":

All of the feeds will be available in the footer (i.e. at the bottom) of any page. If you don't understand what I'm talking about then this feature isn't for you. We'll be adding a tutorial eventually that demonstrates how to use these feeds for fun and profit. In the meantime, just know they're a way to keep track of updates to the site.
Also, to make feed entries and new updates easier to track, we're also going to be splitting up the news entries by items rather than making one big entry for the entire week's updates (although it's questionable whether this entry breaks that rule or not - is this a separate item from the news feeds?).
In any case, updates are frequent and we don't want to leave anyone behind wondering what is and isn't new.
You can of course also add an Atom feed to this very blog.
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